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【108-2 國事系交換生International Exchange Student】 休士頓聖多瑪斯大學University of St. Thomas, Houston 甄選公告

發布日期 2019-09-02 10:04:00

108-2 國事系交換生International Exchange Student 休士頓聖多瑪斯大學University of St. Thomas, Houston 


註:本次甄選以休士頓聖多瑪斯大學University of St. Thomas, Houston交換生主,其餘國事系系級交換生將另於10月份開始甄選。

This selection is only for exchange students to University of St. Thomas, Houston. For students who want to apply for exchange program to other universities, please wait for the selection in October.


一、 報考資格

1.  本系三至四年級學生(含延修生)

2.  品格端正、積極參與課外活動、校內外志願服務。


I. Eligibility

1. Third- to fourth-year students from the Department of International Affairs (including those delaying their graduation)

2. Students with good character who actively partake in extracurricular activities, as well as voluntary work on and off campus.


二、 甄選活動時間

書面資料收件期間為即日起至1080912(),請逕交至國際事務系系辦公室 (校內分機:6103Emailmp0002@mail.wzu.edu.tw)




II. Selection Schedule

The deadline for submission of application materials is September 12, 2019 (Thursday). Please submit the application materials to the Office of the Department of International Affairs. (Extension: 6103, Email: mp0002@mail.wzu.edu.tw)

The interview will be held on September 17, 2019 (Tuesday).

The selection results will be announced on September 18, 2019 (Wednesday).


三、 交換國家、學校及名額

III. Participating Countries, Names of Universities and Quotas



University of St. Thomas, Houston 休士頓聖多瑪斯大學






1學期:108學年度第2學期 (10902-10907)

1學年:108學年度第2學期至109學年度第1學期 (10902-11001)


IV. Exchange Period

One semester: Spring semester of the 2019 academic year (February 2020 to July 2020)

One year: Spring semester of the 2019 academic year to fall semester of the 2020 academic year (February 2020 to January 2021)


五、 送件資格

1. 歷年學期成績總平均達 75 分以上。

2. 班級或系排名百分比前50%

3. 歷年操行成績總平均達 80 分以上,且在校期間不得有小過()以上之


4. 英語能力:




University of St. Thomas, Houston

TOEFL 550 (iBT 79) IELTS 6.5以上 (此為交換學校之規定 )


V. Requirements

1. Cumulative GPA of 75 or above

2. Being in the top 50% of your class or department rank

3. Overall average conduct grade of 80 or above without a record of minor demerits or more severe punishments

4. English proficiency






University of St. Thomas, Houston, USA

TOEFL 550 (iBT 79) IELTS 6.5以上 (此為交換學校之規定 )

TOEFL 550 (iBT 79) or IELTS 6.5 or above (This is the requirement determined by University of St. Thomas)


六、 書面資料繳交


1.  報名表(請膳打,勿手寫;第一份正本需黏貼照片,其它二份影印即可。)

2.  中文歷年成績單(含班級/系排名百分比)

3.  語言檢定成績證明(如成績單未登錄最新英/外語檢定成績時,才需附此證明)

4.  中文個人自傳及學習計畫書(三頁以內)

5.  個人履歷資料表:歷年獎懲、社團/課外/服務活動、專業證照取得等紀錄






VI. Submission of Application Materials

Please submit the following documents (one original and two copies) in A4 size; double-sided printing is acceptable. Please arrange all the materials in accordance with the order presented below and stapled at the upper-left corner. Do not use tape binding, special binding or add extra covers.

1. Application form (handwritten is not acceptable; please type the form; a photo has to be affixed to the original document; the rest can be copies.)

2. Full academic transcript in Chinese (including class/department rank in percentage)

3. A certificate of language proficiency test (required if the transcript does not include the score of the latest English/foreign language proficiency test)

4. Chinese autobiography and study plan (no more than three pages)

5. Resume: The resume should include full records of merits and demerits, club/ extracurricular/voluntary activities, and professional certificate acquisition, along with other records.


Transfer students can apply for the exchange student program after studying in the Department for a semester.

Please submit three copies for items 2, 3 and 5, and present the original documents upon submission. The original documents will be returned after verification.

Reference letters are unnecessary.


七、  評選標準及甄選流程:

()書審:學業、操行成績各佔 20%


1.  依書審成績高低,依名額2倍人數通知報名同學參加面試。

2.  面試日期預計1080917(星期二)下午12:20於系辦公室進行。系上保留口試時間變動之權利。口試時間、地點亦將公佈於本系網站。

3.  錄取標準比較總成績;總成績相同時,以【面試】成績高低順序錄取。


VII. Selection Criteria and Process

 (I) Review of application materials (40%): Academic and conduct grades account for 20%, respectively.

 (II) Interview (60%)

1. The Department will notify students two times of the quota for an interview according to the result of reviewing application materials.

2. The interview is scheduled to be held in the Department’s Office at 12:20 on September 17, 2019 (Tuesday). The Department reserves the right to change the time of the interview. The time and location of the interview will be announced on the Department’s website.

3. Admission is decided by total score. The Interview score will be viewed first if multiple students have the same overall score.


八、  錄取及遞補



VIII. Admission and Replacement

The result will be announced on the Department of International Affairs’ website on September 18, 2019 (Wednesday). Admitted students should submit an Exchange Student Declaration or a Waiver Declaration to the Department within a week after the announcement. Failing to provide said document in time or not submitting it at all will be considered a waiver.


九、  獎助學金:

1.  凡具交換生資格,系上會協助尋找校內可能的獎助學金機會。惟此受限於校內預算及可能之評比機制。


IX. Scholarships

1. The Department will assist all exchange students in finding opportunities to apply for scholarships available at the University. This is subject to changes in the University’s budget and possible evaluation mechanism.


十、  學分抵免:



X. Transfer of Credits

Transfer of credits is primarily evaluated by the Department following the principle of lenity (Done in accordance with Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages Guidelines for International Exchange Student’s Status & Transfer of Credits).


十一、  注意事項

1.  出國期間不需辦理休學,但仍應繳交本校全額學雜費以保留學籍。

2.  除因不可抗力情事,且附具體證明,《交換意願切結書》 一經繳交後即不得任意放棄交換資格或縮短交換期;無故放棄或於繳交《交換意願切結書》後又放棄者,本系得視情節之嚴重性,處以申誡以上之懲戒,且不得參加下一學期交換生甄選計畫。

3.  如因交換學校修改交流條件而交換生欲放棄,可不受懲戒處分,惟仍應於出國前正式通知本系。

4.  本系國際交流老師將輔導交換生與姊妹校聯繫,但交換生仍需自行辦理出國手續、簽證、機票、住宿等,如無獨立處理上述事務之能力或意願者,請勿申請。此外,交換學校不一定會安排接機,如果交換學校無法安排,交換生需自行前往學校報到。若交換學校提供收費之接機服務,交換生如需此服務需自行付費。

5.  具役男身份同學出國前需依法完成役男緩徵手續,並於交換計畫結束後返校繼續就讀,不得滯留國外。如有違反情況,需自負一切法律責任,本系亦得視情節之嚴重性,做適當懲處。

6.  交換學生需簽訂「行政契約書」,若於交換期間遭遇不可抗力之重大變故,且可附具體證明者,欲提前回國,需先告知本系及交換學校請求同意。若研習期間未滿,無正當理由即提前返國者,本系得視情節之嚴重性,處以申誡以上之懲戒。另外,若有領取校內各單位協助爭取之獎學金者,如未滿就讀期限需退回獎學金。  

7.  交換學生於交換計畫結束後,必需按規定返回本系繼續就讀,並不得延長在交換學校交換時間。

8.  交換學生出國前需參加本系舉辦之「行前說明會」,並於交換計畫結束返國後,按規定繳交心得報告及辦理「心得發表會」 ,其它繳交文件需依本系規定繳交。如未遵守上述規定,本系得視情節之嚴重性,做適當懲處。

9.  返國後得應本系安排,義務擔任國際學生學伴(International Student Assistant, ISA),由本系負責分配與訓練。另外,也需配合系上安排參加語言競賽。

10. 以上未盡事宜,本系得依校規辦理之。


XI. Notice

1. Exchange students do not have to apply for suspension of studies while studying abroad, but they have to pay full tuition and incidental fees to reserve their student status.

2. Exchange students who have submitted their Exchange Student Declaration cannot waive the chance to participate in the program or ask to shorten the exchange period, except when encountering force majeure with concrete evidence attached. Those who relinquish without a justifiable reason or after submitting the Exchange Student Declaration will be given a punishment more severe than a warning and barred from the next selection.

3. If an exchange student intends to waive the chance to participate in the program because a partner university modified its exchange conditions, punishments will not be given. However, the student has to notify the Department before departure.

4. Faculty members who are in charge of international exchanges in the Department will assist exchange students in contacting partner universities. However, exchange students still have to complete the procedures for overseas studies, apply for visas, purchase plane tickets, and find accommodation. Please do not apply to the program if you cannot fulfill said responsibilities independently. Moreover, partner universities might not arrange pick-up services at airports. If this is the case, exchange students have to go to partner universities by themselves. If partner universities provide charged pick-up services, exchange students who wish to use the services should pay the expenses.

5. Exchange students who are draftees should apply for a deferred call and return to Wenzao to continue their studies after the end of the program. Prolonged stay abroad is prohibited. Exchange students should bear full legal responsibilities if violations occur. The Department will impose punishments according to the severity of the violations.

6. Exchange students have to sign an “Administrative Contract.” If an exchange student wishes to return to Taiwan before the end of the program due to force majeure and can provide concrete evidence, he/she has to inform the Department and the partner school. The Department will impose punishments more severe than a warning on those who return to Taiwan before the end of the program without a proper reason, according to the severity of the violations. Furthermore, those who receive scholarships from the University have to repay the scholarships if they fail to complete the program.

7. Exchange students have to return to the Department and continue their studies after the end of the program. Exchange students cannot extend the exchange period.

8. Exchange students have to attend the “Pre-departure Orientation” organized by the Department. After completing the program, they are obliged to submit a report and hold an “Experience Sharing Presentation.” They also have to submit other documents required by the Department in accordance with its regulations. If an exchange student does not comply with the above rules, the Department will impose punishments according to the severity of the violations.

9. After returning to Taiwan, exchange students have the responsibility to become an International Student Assistant (ISA). The Department will assign partners and provide training. In addition, exchange students also have to participate in language-related competitions upon the requests of the Department.

10. For matters not covered by the Guidelines, the Department may proceed with the University regulations.