必/選修 |
模組 |
課程中文名稱 |
課程英文名稱 |
學分 |
必修科目 Core Courses |
國際事務基礎必修課程 FIA Core (Required Credits) |
國際事務研究方法 | Research methods for international affairs |
3 |
全球發展歷史、理論與實務 | History, theories and practices of global development |
3 |
國際政治經濟哲學、理論與議題 | Philosophy, theories and issues of international political economy |
3 |
跨文化溝通與談判 | Cross-cultural communication and negotiation |
3 |
論文/產學合作研究案技術報告 | Thesis/technical report of industry-academia-cooperation research project |
3 |
選修科目 Elective Courses |
國際事務研究選修模組 GSM Electives |
國際企業全球競爭與挑戰 | Global competition and challenges for international business |
3 |
全球治理與國際建制 | Global governance and international regime |
3 |
涉外工作策略管理理論與實作 | Theories and practices of strategic management for foreign- related tasks |
3 |
全球區域經濟整合與發展 | Global regional economic integration and development |
3 |
東南亞研究選修模組 SASM Electives |
東南亞文化政治 | Cultural Politics in Southesat Asia |
3 |
東南亞與國際企業管理 | Southeast Asia and International Business Management |
3 |
東南亞政經發展 | Political Economic Development in Southeast Asia |
3 |
東南亞治理與民主 | Governance and Democracy in Southeast Asia |
3 |
一般選修 General Electives |
東南亞國際關係專題 | Study of International Relations in Southeast Asia |
3 |
涉外危機管理個案分析與實作 | Case studies and practices of crisis management for foreign- related affairs |
3 |
全球經濟財務安全議題 | Issues of global economic and financial security |
3 |
東南亞華人社會與文化 | Chinese Society and Culture in Southeast Asia |
3 |
台資企業中國大陸經商模式 | Business models of Taiwanese business in China |
3 |
國際發展與非政府組織管理 | International development and NGO management |
3 |
獨立研究 | Independent study |
3 |
中國大陸政經與社會發展 | China’s political economy and social development |
3 |
國際行銷與市場研究 | International marketing and market research |
3 |