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【預研生】110學年度國際事務碩士學位學程修讀學、碩士一貫計畫開放申請! Guidelines for bachelor/master 4+1 program of International Affairs

發布日期 2021-04-15 20:24:00


The application of bachelor/master continuing program of International Affairs has started. With this 4+1 program, you can start to take the courses from the master's degree program when you are a senior and get the master degree one year earlier! If you are interested in this program, please check the following attachments and start to apply!

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Wenzao Scholarships for Future Master Students

文藻外語大學110學年度日間部暨碩專班入學獎助學金實施要點 NEW!

Guidelines for the Implementation of Admission Scholarships for Day Division and In-service Master's Program Students in the 2021 Academic Year

文藻外語大學外國學生奬學金作業要點 (109學年度起入學新生適用) 
